TTQ Mulchers vs

The Imports

TTQ Mulchers vs The Imports

TTQ as the only Australian designed and made machine in the market is the only mulcher out there suitable for Australian cotton. There are various considerations and alterations needed for mulchers to handle the crops our farmers throw at them…

Australian cotton is bigger, thicker and tougher than any other crops mulcher around the world and as a small market on the global scale, foreign companies haven’t invested in designs specific to the industry. The European and North American imports are designed for mulching finer more even residues of things like cereal crop residues or grasses, not a hard, woody super weed.

Smaller gearboxes, lighter drive shafts and novelty-based conveniences are all great for the first 50hrs but when its time for the machine to really do the hard work, both the machine and the support behind them really fall apart. Cheap ‘home brand’ bearings on European ‘heavy duty’ shafts are a recipe for disaster proven year after year.

Made from frames that are too light, drums without bracing, flail patterns not designed for row crops and without the traditional on the ground support. With manufacturers being so far away only using distributors in Australia parts are always hard to get and when they are accessible are specialized and have multiple margins in the price. 

Companies built within countries that farm with or for subsidies don’t understand the pressures of the independent Australian farmer, and they are completely incapable of the collaborative approach and rapid responses it takes to work in our time critical seasons.

The machines are at best a poor substitute, typically a liability for cotton farms and most often a headache causing money pit.

Standard 6m Mulcher

TTQ Sauerberger Balzer Falc-Kronos Nobili
Weight 4,800kg 3,440kg 3,600kg 3,820kg 3,200kg
# of Flails 216+ 208 208 144 128
Belts 12 12 6-10 12 8
Gearbox 340hp 328hp 300hp 328hp 270hp
Op Speed 12-14 10-11 8 8-10 8
Flail Speed (m/s) 71 65 65 72 61
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